Université du Luxembourg - UoL

Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) is a public biomedical research institute. At LIH, novel diagnostic, curative and preventive approaches are developed in a multidisciplinary manner, leveraging the institute’s expertise ranging from ‘omic’ approaches to public health epidemiology, exposure measurement and digital health. The Department of Infection and Immunity (DII) is one of the three main research departments at LIH. As a research entity oriented to clinical and translational research, the major focus of DII are deregulated immune system functions, both related to infectious and or inflammatory pathologies. The research group Molecular & Translational Allergology is part of DII.
LIH coordinates several thematic doctoral research and training programmes funded by the Luxembourg National Research Fund, two of them focussing on the fields of immunology (NextImmune) and translational biomedicine (i2TRON). LIH has an ISO 9001-certified support unit for doctoral training. Together with the University of Luxembourg, LIH offers a strong training programme that provides young scientists with key competences needed for their doctoral studies and future career steps.
ALLPreT team members
Dr. Annette Kuehn, Research group leader

Expert in food allergen and food allergy research. Research group leader of Molecular & Translational Allergology, LIH (DII). Expertise: allergen isolation and characterization, antibody-based allergen detection/quantification, flow/mass cytometry, IgE multiplexing, immune analyses, patient-oriented research and endotyping. She was an active member of the COST Action ImpARAS. She holds full PhD supervision rights from the University of Luxembourg. She supervised 3 PhD students and 11 bachelor/master students. She is part of ALLPreT's Scientific Committee and leads work package 4 on intrinsic protein properties. Also, she is the supervisor of Isabela Assugeni (DC8), and co-supervisor of Ana Laura Olivares (DC3).
Isabela Assugeni, PhD student

Isabela Assugeni is a PhD student registered at the University of Luxembourg conducting her research at the Luxembourg Institute of Health (Luxembourg). She obtained her master’s degree from the State University of São Paulo (Brazil) where she researched immunomodulatory effects of a new wasp allergen, particularly focusing on innate immunity cells in both humans and mice.
Within the ALLPreT project Isabela is Doctoral Candidate 8. Her project is centred on acute immune responses in legume allergy based on immune analyses of samples from allergic patients. Through her research, she aims to enhance the mechanistic understanding comprehension of such immune responses, by performing ex-vivo stimulation of immune cells with legume allergens. Two secondments are planned during her PhD, an academic secondment in the group of Prof Gadermaier at the Paris-Lodron-University Salzburg, and an industrial secondment at Macro Array Diagnostics, both in Austria.
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