Institut National De Recherche Pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement

INRAE is a public French research organisation employing some 12,000 people and has among its strategic interests the impact of food on human health and well-being. It is ranked 2nd in the world and 1st in Europe for publications in agricultural sciences and plant and animal sciences. INRAE Rennes is the largest research unit at INRAE involved on milk and egg science and technology and publishes around 60 peer-reviewed articles on these topics every year. INRAE Rennes is in the core of VALORIAL, a network associating more than 365 agri-food companies and research institutes and aiming at promoting research and innovation in food products. The INRAE research unit in Rennes is a joint research unit between INRAE and Agrocampus Ouest that gives PhD degrees.
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Dr. Didier Dupont is Senior Scientist at INRAE and is leading the “Bioactivity and Nutrition” group in Rennes that is actively working on the relationships between the structure of dairy, egg and plant-based products, their digestion in the GI tract and the consequences on human health. Didier Dupont is the scientific coordinator of INFOGEST (a former COST Action between 2011 and 2015), an international network of more than 250 research institutions gathering 715 experts on food digestion from 56 countries. He’s giving several courses on food digestion, food allergy, immunoassays for master students at the University of Rennes. Didier Dupont has written 180 peer-reviewed articles and 21 book chapters, has coordinated a book on “Structure and nutritional effects of food”, given 90 international conferences (60 invited). Within the ALLPreT project, Dr. Dupont is supervisor for Vibhu Mishra (DC4) and co-supervises Faiza Zafar (DC6).
Learn more about INRAE on their website.