Training event #1 at Denmarks Technical University, DK

ALLPreT goes DTU! In the beginning of November 2023 (30th of October – 3rd of November & 6th to 8th of November), our ALLPreT ESRs will go to DTU Campus Lyngby near Kopenhagen  for the first big training event.

Participation in the DTU Risk-benefit assessment of foods course will fill our first week. Here we will learn all about methods and critical handling of data to assess risks or benefits of food and their impact on human health, covering methods from epidemiology, toxicology and microbiology. This will be followed up by some more transferrable skills sessions on presentation skills in collaboration with UMCU and excitingly, a workshop on industrial product & process development and working in industry in collaboration with our partner ALK-Abelló!

@ALLPreT ESRs: Register for the risk-assessment course ( via DTU (Registering for courses as a guest PhD student (! The registration link at the course overview is faulty, use the latter link to the registration form.

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